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Thursday, April 25, 2013

I've Been Awarded

When I logged onto my blog the other day, I was surprised to see I was awarded what is known as the Liebster Award from Being Positive with a Depressive Soul and I get to list not only random facts about me, but answer a few questions.

Random Facts About Me

I used to despise cooking! Just give me the boxed stuff or a quick fix spaghetti and I was good. Recently, I discovered a couple awesome recipe sites and actually been learning to cook more. Now, I love it! It is nice to have a refreshing change. Turns out, I kick butt on strawberry pie!

I am unable to conceal when I am upset about something, but sometimes people get confused with facial expressions thinking I'm upset when really I am not.

I'm far from being a crafty person! Luckily, my boys are big into drawing, making things, and have great imaginations.

If I had my way, we would go camping every single weekend.

I hope to return to college one day so I can major in business and would really like to get at least a certificate in photography.

My 11 Questions From Jamie

Coke or Pepsi?

Neither.....I am a Dr. Pepper gal. That is my version of coffee for the mornings.

Why do you blog?

I had originally started the blog for my attempt at a photography business. For 6 months, I did gain a decent client base, however, I have recently put it on hold. Now, I just love to talk about anything and everything.

If you could change your name, what name would you choose?

I've always loved the name Aurora since "Sleeping Beauty" is my all time favorite Disney movie.

Beach, country, or city person?

Oh gosh I love both the beach and being out in the country. I've always lived in small towns so I am not big on the city life.

If you could trade places with someone for a day, who & why?

I honestly can't think of anyone I would want to trade places with.

Purses or shoes?

I could honestly care less. Just give me my flip flops and I'm good to go!

Chocolate or Peanut Butter?


What are your hobbies?

Photography, reading (really need to find a good book to read), writing, and just being with family and friends.

Favorite color?


Favorite musician?

Pink....love her songs and how they are not only catchy, but her songs actually have some sort of meaning to them!

Favorite blogger?

The Italian Bella Diaries which is by a close friend of mine, practically like a sister to me. She just tells it like it is and is not afraid to hold back.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww.... I'm your favorite blogger? I feel so special. :) And I knew ALL your random facts! Go me!
