We celebrated Easter a day early this year. It threw me off at first, but in the end I was thankful we got an early start. Our local volunteer fire department had an amazing Easter event! They did an outstanding job with organizing the egg hunt. It was divided among age groups such as 0-1, 2-4, etc. and up to age 12. Not only did they divide up the age groups, they had posters showing approximately the time the hunt would start. They also had many games lined up for the day, but we had to leave around noon for Easter with my side of the family. Even the Easter bunny showed up for a visit :) I was so relieved that my 6 year old son Kody did not get frightened--a junebug frightens him (can't really blame him..those things are just ugly and strange).
The remainder of the day was spent at my parent's house with all the family and friends gathering. I swear I was stuffed and about to blow by the end of the day! The food was amazing, and I seriously came close to taking pictures of it! A friend of mine made bacon wrapped crab meat. All she did was take some imitation crab meat, wrapped bacon around each piece, and cooked until done. They were quite addicting! I do believe my grocery list got a tad longer because I think that will make a great snack. The kids got to do their egg hunt with eggs hidden in trees, yard statues, and even on a car with a gas tank door holding it in place. My older nephews always get creative when hiding them. And it never fails that by the time my dad mows, more eggs are found. One year someone actually did the dyed eggs......my dad did not appreciate the smell of running over an old one during 100 degree summer temps...dyed eggs I do believe are outlawed at their home now. Many memories were made on Saturday, Sunday was a day of recovering. Some may frown upon Easter being celebrated a day early. I did at first, but it seriously was nice to just sit and relax at home on Sunday. After all, it takes time to adjust to a food hangover.

Love the pics, love your blog so I decided to award you the Liebster Blog Award. All the details are here: http://beingpositivewithadepressivesoul.blogspot.com/2013/04/two-liebster-awards-in-one-weekwoohoo.html Congrats to you!