Now is my chance to get this in before I get very busy this next week or so. Tomorrow I have nearly a full day of mini photo sessions at my favorite place, Synergy Park. On Sunday, I have a very special photo session with a wonderful woman that may take almost all day. With sessions and editing, next week is going to be rather busy. I will actually take a break--something my husband is shocked I know how to do--by having lunch with a friend. We also have vacation coming up, and two more sessions before we leave. I am loving it!!!
Now, for my favorite photos from February :)
Brianna aka Butterfly Bre--I was lucky enough she tolerated me taking pictures of her on this day. I was so excited to buy a new lens that I could not wait to try it out. My boys were smart and ran around playing--impossible to catch. But, Brianna stayed close by so of course I had to snap a few photos of her. This pose I actually got her to repeat considering she did it before I had a chance to snap the picture. I swear she is such an adorable little model!
The moment when Kaden helps his little brother without arguing is just priceless. Kody had his pant legs all the way above his knees so I asked him to please put them down. Kaden even volunteered to help him, with a loving big brother arm around his shoulders. I love when they have brotherly moments!
There are three men Kody look up to: his daddy, grandpa, and his Uncle Arien. When Arien brings out his ATV, I just simply don't exist for a while :) Kody will usually be seen riding on the ATV, sitting in front with a huge smile on his face. However, this day Kody decided he will ride his bike along side of him. I just love how happy he is he made it around the block with his Uncle Arien looking at him very proudly.
Every year, I look forward to all the class parties! Kaden is always worried I will miss a party, which I always reassure him now that Kody is in school it will make it easier for me to attend. When he looks at the camera, I know it is just not the camera he is looking at it. He sees me, his mama, and the love in his eyes says it all.
The teachers at the school always make sure each party is special. For this one, the kids got to do marshmallow shooters. Kody wanted to make certain he got that target. He strutted to the front, seriously put that marshmallow in the cup, squinted, and aimed---I was nearly taken out by a marshmallow ;) When they got home, our poor cats got to be test targets. One kitten decided to eat a marshmallow which erupted in belly roll giggles from my boys. A priceless and memorable day!
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